Thursday, July 16, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Taylor, Abby, Savannah, Rachel & Hadlee
Abby had her 11th Birthday on July 1. Since we had just gotten home from California we pretty much kept it on the down low and she invited a few friends to go to the movie "Ice Age 3 - 3D", that had just came out that day, then they came over to our house for some cake and ice cream.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
California for Nationals and Fun!
(You can click on the collages to see the pictures a little better!)
In June we had the opportunity to go to San Jose, California for Abby's National Tumbling Meet. We had a blast! Abby did an awesome job in her competition. It was her first time attending a National Meet and there were hundreds and hundreds of athletes there from all 50 states. They were incredible and it was amazing to watch. It was a great experience for Abby, we learned a lot about these National Meets and we are hoping to attend next year again. They are having it in Virginia Beach, Virginia next year. The girls had a blast spending time with each other and their coaches outside of the normal gym atmosphere. It was really a big treat for long year of hard work and as parents, we had a great time right along with them! .... not to mention that we were, of course, beaming with pride that our children were talented enough to even be in attendance and be one of these amazing athletes!
Here are some of the fun things that we did..
Only about 20 minutes from our hotel there was this great amusement park:
California's Great America
We spent one of the days at this park. The weather was perfect and hardly anyone was at this park. We walked onto nearly every ride. It was super fun and perfect. In most of these pictures it is Abby and JaeLynn Benson, that is who went to the park with us.
We braved some traffic to drive to Santa Cruz to spend the Saturday at the "Santa Cruz Boardwalk". Luckily, we had been to the amusement park the day before so the girls were not wanting to ride the rides at the boardwalk, because this place was PACKED like sardines. So, we put on our swimming suits and spent a few hours on the beach. It was a little chilly by the water, but perfect as long as you were just lying on your towel on the sand! And what more could we ask for! This was a great place (minus the people!).
In these pictures are Abby, JaeLynn, Carson, Dana (coach), and some athletes from another gym in Provo. They played in the ocean waves, buried each other in the sand, and even did a little tumbling in the sand!
This is competition day, which was actually on Thursday. Abby, JaeLynn Benson and Kate Atkinson all competed on the floor in the same flight, so that was fun. Thomas and Dana are their coaches that were in Cali with us. They are awesome coaches and really fun, too!
It was while we were at Abby's competition that we were told that both Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson had passed away. I will always remember where I was when I heard that!
And... Last but not least, our extremely talented little athlete in pictures. Of course, I cannot take credit for taking these pictures, a photographer at the competition took them. But, I am always amazed when I see Abby in action. She is so crisp and clean and her body is so straight and aligned. She has very good form and hence why we were able to spend a few very fun days in California at a National Tumbling Meet with athletes from 50 states!
Super Job Abby! We are so proud of you!
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