We flew into Belize city and took a very small "puddle jumper" over to the island Ambergris Caye (pronounced "key"). There is one main city on Ambergris Caye, San Pedro. This city has basically 3 streets. To go to most of the resorts or accommodations on the island you take a water taxi and head up North. What a beautiful island.

This first collage is some pictures around the island. We walked up and down the beach from our resort about 1/2 hour each direction, a couple of the pics are right in front of our resort so it is actually OUR BEACH which was Gorgeous. Remember: if you want to see any of the pictures more closely you can click on the picture to bring it into full view. :)
Here are a few of Brad and I when we were getting ready to go diving. We had our own personal dive master, Carlos. He was fabulous. He was born and raised on the island. He told us a ton about he island and the dive spots and all sorts of interesting stories. One of the most interesting stories he told us was that the name "Ambergris" means "vomit of the whale" because mother whales used to hang out up by the island when they were pregnant with their young and they would vomit. Well, the vomit was a black greasy substance that would accumulate on the beach -- and that is how the island got its name. The whales have since been scared off from all of the tourism. But I thought that was an interesting story. The other pictures were of us snorkeling in the park in Shark and Ray alley. You can see a few manta ray in our pictures.
These pictures are of our darling bungalow that we stayed in. We stayed at a resort called The Matachica which means small palms... it consists of everyone having their own little bungalow. Inside the bungalow you have your bed, a closet and a bathroom. None of the rooms had a TV or telephone. It was so nice. If you click and enlarge the pictures you will see that they are darling little places. We started out in the Kiwi (they are all named for their color) and they upgraded us to ocean front for our last few days of our trip -- which were spent in the Tangerine. The bottom right picture was taken from our Tangerine rooms front door, that is how close to the ocean we were. It was such a quiet and relaxing time, we could honestly sit on our beach and only see 20 people all day long.

When the sad day came that we had to come back home we went back to the town of San Pedro. I got a kick out of their airport. Check out these pictures of their baggage claim and their runway and the bottom right picture is where you wait until it is your turn to get on the plane! Such a simple place, and oh so wonderful. The other 3 pictures were taken during the 15 minute flight between Ambergris Caye and Belize City. Along Belize there is the worlds 2nd largest reef so the water is pretty shallow and there are several islands. It was a very pretty flight. You can tell how shallow the water is from the pictures. It was such a great vacation. I had such a super time with my husband, I really love the person that he is when we are away from all of the stress of work! :)
Are we going to go back again? You better BELIZE it!!