Thursday, March 11, 2010



Tanton, 11 yrs old front row left.... 7 yrs ago when hockey all started.
It is totally crazy to think that Tanton is done playing high school hockey! The season is so long, I thought that I would wait until the end of the season to write up a post all about HOCKEY. The year was a fairly good year for the Sky View hockey team, considering they lost 13 seniors last year....

Tanton was chosen to play on the all-star team at the end of the year comprised of players from all of the different teams through out the state ~ the ALL STAR players, of course. He played for team North and last night team North beat team South 8-2. Hooray! Tanton was one of 3 goalies (from the North), so each of them played 1 period. Tanton was the only goalie in the whole game that had a shut out! He did not allow any goals scored during his period. I am so proud of him, and what a great way to end his high school hockey career.
Tanton on all-star team ~ front and center goalie
Tanton and Tanner Gray
It has been so much fun watching him play for the last few years, I am definitely going to miss this.