Oh Beautiful Lake Powell..... I am a total Lake Powell Junkie. Once the planning & packing are done and the food is bought it is Heaven for the rest of the week. This year we went quite late, The first week of September. Our summer was quite busy, one thing after another...and Tanton gave the ol' "you mean it will be 3 years that I will miss Lake Powell?" guilt trip (since he is leaving on his mission in November) -- so I got online and booked a houseboat for 5 days instead of our regular week. Then Tanton ended up only being able to come for 2 of the days!! Oh well, It all worked out in the end.

Brad, myself, Abby and her friend, Alexis, went down together. Tanton came down with his dad and Marnie for the first two days. It was great to have Sil and Marnie there. We are so blessed that we all get along as well as we do, Brad and I consider Sil and Marnie wonderful friends! Marnie brought her camera and took some ridiculously great pictures... which means that she is not in any of our pictures, bummer!

A couple of our other friends, Ken & Janae Lester came down with their boat and their 2 boys and 2 friends on Saturday and stayed until Monday evening. It was so much fun to have them there. It has been way too long since we have gotten together with Ken and Janae, they are wonderful friends, and we laughed a lot. We are so glad they came down.

Here is Abby, Alexis and the 4 boys that came with the Lesters. They are hiking up through Hole in the Rock.

Brad surfing, he did awesome! He dropped the rope and kept on surfing for quite a while!

Brad water skiing... of course, this is Marnie's photography!

Abby and her sunglasses, with Sil and Tanton in the reflection.

Abby water skiing, she just keeps getting better every year... little studette!

Abby even started catching some air when she crossed the wake while wake boarding. Looking good Bugs, soon you will be a professional. ;)

But tubing still remains the FAVORITE thing to do! At least these girls are young and flexible. I don't think my old body could take it for very long at all, but these kids can do it all day long!

Now here we go... I have become quite the woosy and I basically only like to water ski at Lake Powell now, where the water is super warm. Ohhhh, I used to ski anywhere on anything and those were the days!

Cousin "it" on Abby's head.

Tanton waterskiing, he only does this a couple times a year.

Tanton surfing, he could surf literally minutes at a time without holding on to the rope, it is super fun to watch. Too bad I can't figure out how to get myself up on the surf board!

And....Tanton wake boarding. Basically, he rocks at it. He landed a back flip a few times, then just played around a lot. He makes it look sooo easy it is sickening. But as I said, watch out Tanton, your little sis is gonna have 2 years on ya, eh.
All in all it was a great time. For a Lake Powell Junkie it really couldn't be bad... I just don't think we will go that late in the year again. The nights and mornings got a bit chilly (something we are not used to at Lake Powell for sure). We were bummed that more of our family could not be there, but the planning was not the best and it was thrown in last minute. But I tell you what ~ we will be there again next year for sure, once if not twice.