Here she is! Our little (or actually not so little anymore)
Cheerleader... This year Abby decided to compete in cheer rather than tumbling. Brad and I had already decided that once she decided she wanted to do something else that would be okay, we would let her. But it really isn't that easy - Abby is an amazing tumbler! But that has also helped her out with her cheer skills and her stunting. Although she has been busy, she has continued to go to tumbling practice for most of the year also, that puts her in the gym for 2.5 to 3 hrs 4-5 nights a week. And if you ask me, that is dedication. It has been very fun to watch her learn new skills and enjoy the cheerleading. She has a competition coming up in a few days here in Logan and she will be performing a solo/individual routine in that competition. Then on the 1st of April the whole High Point Cheer team will board a flight to Long Beach California for a National Competition out there. Abby is super dedicated and she puts herself out there 100% when she decides that she wants to do something. Great Job Abby and Good Luck in your upcoming competitions.