Last Friday Abby was at school playing softball, a girl asked her if she could cover first base so she could go to the bathroom. Abby said she would. Well... while she was covering first base for the girl that went in for her bathroom break she got a ball thrown to her and she did not even see the ball coming. She said that she was talking to another friend (now I cannot even imagine that! :) ) ....Unfortunately, those softballs don't seem to be too soft!
Brad and I were actually in Salt Lake and fortunately a very nice neighbor of ours was at the school at the time. She called us and totally took care Abby for us (Thanks Colleen!). She took Abby over to her sister, Krista's house... Thanks Krista! Where Abby stayed for about 2 hours until we could get home.

Once we got Abby home and could clean her up and look at everything, Brad could see that it definitely needed stitches. It was pretty deep as you can see from the picture above. She ended up getting 3 stitches inside and 7 stitches outside. Abby was so brave, she did not cry one time from the time that she got hit with the softball through getting the stitches!

Dad at work...

All put together beautifully. We are actually very lucky that the ball did not hit her in the eye, or hit her temple or do any worse damage. It could have broken her orbital bone that surrounds her eye... but nonetheless it is a pretty bad injury, we are just grateful that it wasn't any worse.

After she got all fixed up Abby got in the shower and went to a birthday party for a couple of hours.

That night Colleen called me to tell me how impressed she was with how well Abby handled herself after the injury at school. Facial injuries bleed A LOT and Abby fell to the ground after she was hit. With all of the blood etc. and not being able to really see what was going on, all of the kids at school were surrounding her wondering what was going on, it was pretty dramatic and Colleen said Abby was very brave and very mature about the whole thing.

Unfortunately, the next morning her eye had swollen shut and it took half way through the day for the swelling to go down. Throughout the weekend the swelling kept going down and her eye is starting to heal up. But what a brave little sport my girl has been through all of this. She even said that when she went to school on Monday some of the kids made fun of her. Kids can be so mean! Her eye is looking much better and should heal up to be just fine. Thank heavens!
Owwww! That looks so painful. What a little trooper she is! I can't believe she was up for a birthday party that same day. I hope she gets feeling better soon!
ReplyDeleteOH MY GOODNESS!!!! Poor Abby!!! That eye looks like it hurts pretty bad! Way to be tough!!!! I do have to say that she is lucky her dad (and probably you too) can stitch her up! That is a very handy thing to have around the house!!! Hope it gets better soon!!