Last night I made jam (with my sister, Kathy). Tanton is out of town this week and we ran out of jam just before he left. It was pretty funny to watch him ration the last little bit of jam before he left. I try to make jam every year, so usually we have an abundance and so there is no rationing going on... but as Tanton got down to that last little bit in the last tub of jam he was pretty sad to know that there were not any more tubs of home-made freezer jam to fall back on. So I told him that I would try to get some made while he was on his road trip with his friends this week. I think he will be pretty happy when he comes home and sees that he has a fresh supply to fall back on! Everyone in the family likes my jam, but Tanton is the only one that really seems to "love" my jam and eats it faithfully on his peanut butter sandwiches and especially his waffles. Here you go Tant. I kept my word. And thanks Kathy for coming over and helping me, we do pretty good work as a team! :)
On another note, I got a new pair of running/jogging shoes this last week:

They are Asics - gel cumulus, I have super duper high arches and I really needed to get a new pair of shoes that were made for someone with high arches. I have worn them a few times to work out on my elliptical and to go walking, but I have not actually gone jogging in them yet, so I look forward to seeing how they work out for me. Hurray! I hope they are a cure for an aching knee!
Ok.....you're inspiring me. I just starting a beginning runners program this week. If/when I can job a mile (or maybe a block, ha ha) I'm going to get me some new shoes too. Do you recommend these? I don't have high arches, just fat feet.