Back in April when my sisters and I took our boys to Hawaii we met a friend from Chicago, her name is Marcy. We kept in touch on
FaceBook and kept saying that we needed to get together again sometime. Well, Marcy decided to come on out West to visit us -- and we had a "GIRLS TRIP" up to Yellowstone, Jackson, etc. We had an absolute blast!
Most people might find it a little odd to meet a total stranger on a cruise, know them for a few short days and then spend a week with them a few months later on your own vacation. But that is what happened with us. When she first told us she was going to come out to visit we were like where should we take her in "
Utah"?? So, we decided to take her on up to Idaho, Wyoming and Montana! We took the scenic route up to our condo in
Driggs, Idaho where we spent all of our nights. This is where our game playing and "Slumber Parties" took place...

On Friday we got up kind of early because we knew we had to conquer the whole Yellowstone Park in ONE DAY, and we wanted to find very animal there was to see!! We started out seeing a Mama moose with a baby. Next we got to Old Faithful withing 10 minutes of her going off... our timing was perfect! Good start so far. The weather was perfect: sunny, beautiful, 4 girls, laughing our guts out, having an absolute blast!! Next we saw a huge buffalo just
meandering down the road, holding up traffic, just like he owned the place. Now, remember Marcy is from the city - CHICAGO - she has not seen anything like this. Her hands were shaking. She could hardly take a picture. Then we say elk, deer, more buffalo, the regular Yellowstone stuff - which Marcy loved every second of. The country was so beautiful -- but our true goal was to find a BEAR! We headed all the way up to the top Yellowstone Park (because that is where the bear were suppose to be). That is where we got out to go and see a cool waterfall and lo and behold -- there was a huge buffalo
just walking right down the road toward us from the campground. It was so Crazy! Marcy about died, she was sure it was going to charge her since she had a red jacket on!
LOL!! On our way back down we saw another car pulled over, we looked up and could see
something black, we thought it was a black bear - Marcy FREAKED OUT!! She started yelling "What do we do! What do we do?" It was
sooooo funny. Well, it ended up being a black Wolf and a silver Wolf -- which is pretty darn cool, too. But we were still on the hunt for our BEAR. We even said "this day has been so great the only thing that would top it off would be to have a bear sighting".

It was getting later and it would be getting dark soon. Our hopes were fading. Everyone had told us that there hadn't been a bear sighting in like 2 or 3 weeks, they had gone higher in the mountains. So we decided to go back to the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone before we left the park. As we got close to the Grand Canyon we saw a car that was HAULING BUTT in reverse as we were coming toward it -- we knew it had seen something. So we looked to our right so see and right there out in this golden meadow was this HUGE GRIZZLY BEAR running through the meadow from one grove of trees to another. I cannot even tell you how beautiful it was!! I was so incredible. All of our adrenalin was going, we turned and stopped with the other car. Then of course, several other cars stopped -- but they didn't see the bear! We were so LUCKY. We stayed and he went from one grove of trees to another. Then stayed there. We waited in our car....... until it was pitch black. We were just sure that bear was going to come out and we would see him. Yes, we were the only car sitting there until 8:30 pm. What a day....
You would think that would be the end, huh?? Well, on the way out of the park we saw some flashing lights - ahead we passed an ENORMOUS BUFFALO dead in the road. A truck had barely hit and killed it. It was so sad and such an incredible sight to see such a big animal lying there dead in the road. Marcy wanted to pull out her camera, I told her we couldn't because the Park Rangers... but I must confess the next morning I would have given anything to have a picture of that incredible sight. I felt sad still, but it is something I will never see again, and I couldn't get it out of my head!
Well, there is one day.... what a great time!