After such a great day in Yellowstone Park, and getting home so late -- I think it was like 2 am by the time we went out the West Yellowstone entrance and drove back to Driggs. We slept in a little and spent the next day, Saturday, in Jackson Hole. We shopped, and shopped, and shopped...and shopped. This place called "The Round Up" is closing, so they were having clearance on all of their items, well you got it - Ol' Josh sold a pair of cowboy boot to each of us!! What suckers we are! Jackson is fun and we had a great time. Later, we ate at the Million Dollar Cowboy Bar. Marcy and I shared a dish that had buffalo in it..we joked that it was probably the poor sucker we saw as road kill the night before (and how true it probably was!). Our dinner was very good, so was the country band playing. I am a HUGE country music fan ~ Marcy on the other hand thought every song sounded the same, oh she has much to learn. :)
The next morning we got up and after getting ready we stopped by some gorgeous waterfalls that I have never even seen on our way home. They were about an hour North between Driggs and Rexburg ~ called Mesa Falls. Very much worth our detour. 

Marcy ended up staying for about a week. We had such a wonderful time. She is just one of the sisters now. It was a much needed fun, relaxed time we all had. She fit in perfectly and we were all so comfortable around each other it was almost scary! Needless to say, we now have a very good, new friend/sister that lives up in Chicago. Now, we just need to plan where our next vacation will be. Hmmmm.
Okay sister you outdid yourself -- thanks for being so fun and creative!!