Time just seems to be flying by so quickly, it seems that I have a hard time getting my blog updated lately... and the sad thing is that some of the most exciting things are happening. I hope I can stay on top of my updates a little bit better.
Tanton graduated!! I honestly can't believe that he has gotten this old so quickly. I can still vividly remember when he was only a couple days old and I was taking him for a walk around the block in my arms. Now he could probably carry me in his arms (mind you, it wouldn't be too far). Ü He is such a handsome young man and I could not be more proud of him and the decisions that he has and is making in his life. I am very honored and grateful to have been chosen to be his mom.
Doug, Brad, Krista, Abby, T, me and Greg
Aunts Kathy, Stacy and Kim
Marnie's mom, Gavin, Marnie, T, Sil, Grandma Jeppson and Caden.

A kiss from both moms
We also had a new precious addition to our family. Little Natalie was born in March. She is so darling and sweet. She was born without the sense of hearing. Through the wonderful miracles of modern technology and medicine Tim and Melissa are hoping that she will be able to have her first cochlear implant by the time she turns one. We are flying out to North Carolina on Thursday to meet Natalie for our first time and be there for her blessing. We are so excited to see the whole family. It seems that so much time passes between each visit. I will keep you updated on Natalie's progression.

AND...coming up we are going to be having a BIG BIRTHDAY. Abby is going to be turning 12. Hooooray. Today was her last day of Primary. She was thrilled about that. We are also expecting Tanton's MISSION CALL this Wednesday. Oh, the suspense. I will post about these exciting and important events coming up in our family.
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