Guess it is time that I update the blog. My intentions are always good, but my time is what seems to get away from me! Life around the Larson Home has been pretty fast paced as of late. It seems that the days are going by very quickly, which in the sense of seasons is very good news. :) Brad was out of town for about a week to an Orthopaedic convention in San Diego. I decided to stay home and hold down the fort since it was Tim's first Ortho meeting and they could room together and hang out together... if I had gone, I would have just felt like a third wheel anyway (really, who wants to be a third wheel?). Well, Brad always has the
BEST timing! It snowed 10 inches TWO times while he was gone! Thank goodness for great help. The first time was on a Wednesday night and I had just gone down to pick Abby up from cheer practice. It was seriously like an ice rink and I could not get up my driveway. We ended up leaving the car on the road for 1 1/2 hrs while we cleared just enough room for the car to make it up to the garage ~ in a
BLIZZARD blowing SIDEWAYS! (Thanks Ab for your help, You rock!) Then I called my nephew, Taylor, and basically told him that he would be my hero if he would clear the rest of the driveway and steps while I was at work the next day! Voila! He did. Thanks Taylor. Then on Sunday ~ same thing.... 10 inches. This time my son-in-law, Doug, came over and was ever so kind to dig us out! Thanks Doug! We owe you big time. And...since Brad has been home it has snowed another 10 inches, I mean come on!! So, as far as the time flying by, let it fly, until we get to Spring and Summer.
I have been working a lot because we had a nurse move and we haven't quite gotten her replaced yet. It really takes up quite a bit of my time. It is taking Abby some getting used to it also, about the time she gets used to it I will be back around more ~ it is a never winning battle of change around here. ;) But she sure is good to roll with it.
Abby has been very busy with her cheer and tumbling practices. She had a cheer competition last month and was suppose to have one last Saturday, but it got cancelled because of the..... you guessed it
SNOW! That was a bummer for her and the team, because they work so hard to practice and get ready. Abby was actually going to do a Solo competition Cheer/Tumbling routine, but now she will do it at the competition in March. It will be fun to watch her. I am going to do a separate post of her cheer pics.

Tanton has now been in Spain for about 6 weeks. He is absolutely loving it! He had his first official transfer (because he got there in the middle of a transfer) and now he is settled in with his companion a "native" that speaks minimal English on the coast ~ Vigo, Spain until their next transfer. He always sounds so happy and optimistic in his letters and e-mails home. That makes me very happy. I am extremely proud of him. You can always stay updated on how he is doing by checking into his blog where I post his weekly e-mail: -- and yes, I do a much better job at keeping his blog up to date than I do at keeping my blog up to date ~ priorities, priorities.

I also had an amazing friend pass away unexpectedly about 10 days ago. She was an incredible lady. Our sons played hockey together, and she asked me early on, when Tanton was entering his freshman year, to be her co-trustee of the Sky View Hockey Team. I said "yes", and the rest is history. We became very good friends and worked extremely close over the next four years. I learned so much from her. I admired her. About 18 months ago she found out she had leukemia. She fought it. She had chemo treatments, she was tough. She won. Her cancer was in remission but her immune system was low and she got pneumonia. I had no idea she was ill until I heard that she passed away in her sleep, from pneumonia after beating cancer! I will miss her dearly, she will always hold a very special place in my heart and in my thoughts. She was a true woman of grace.
I Love you Sheri!!
I can't believe how much snow you have gotten this year! Love the pictures of Tanton!