Our hockey travels are over until next week -- because Tanton is on the State All-Star Team! Sky View ended up taking second place in the Northern Division... they really had a super year. After our "Heart Attack" game on Wednesday night, we lost 2-0 to Fremont on Thursday night. We just didn't have the best game of the year (and Fremont ended up taking state). It was a somber night after the game and sad, because the stars would have had to have been perfectly aligned for Sky View to make it to the final game Saturday night; we had to win Friday, Fremont had to lose Thursday and Friday.... blah, blah. Didn't happen. Friday nights game was a different story. We went into the game without near the nerves that we had Thursday night. Our team seemed to play better, and we had fun! East scored first, so it started out 1-0; but we came back and with a minute in the 3rd period we were ahead 2-1. They pulled their goalie to try to get another guy out there to score and tie it up, but we got the puck and scored on their EMPTY NET! It was awesome and it was fun and it was a great last game of the season for our team. I am super sad that it is over (won't miss ALL the trips to SLC), I will miss a bunch of the seniors that we are losing this year....
Great Job Sky View!
The all-star game is next Monday and then another all-star game on Wednesday. Tanton will be playing in at least the first game -- I will have to post after that.
Tanton making a save during the shoot-out!
Celebrating after winning the shoot-out
Tanton guarding his goal during the East game
Before the Friday night game against East. Our team was lined up ready to get on the ice, here is a video of them, they chanted and hyped themselves up, then came my favorite part -- they all put their hockey sticks up in the air for Tanton to lead the way on the ice.