The time is moving so fast, my head is spinning and I cannot believe that Abby is going to be starting school this Thursday. What?!? Where did the summer go?? Honestly. Well, here is my baby girl, holding her youngest niece (Natalie). She is finally 12. NO MORE PRIMARY. Hooray!

Abby has grown into such a super fun, spunky and beautiful young lady. She is very thoughtful to those around her and although we are just reaching those "fun" teenage years, I am loving every minute of having her as my daughter and sharing her life with her. The ups and the downs. I am sure there will be plenty. Being a young teenage girl is not what I would choose to be again, especially these days. But Abby is doing such a great job. I love her just so much!!

So, it was the day after Tanton got his Mission Call that we hopped on an airplane. It was July 1, and it was Abby's birthday. We flew out to North Carolina to see Tim/Melissa and Dylan, Sophie and Natalie. Natalie's blessing was on Sunday, July 4 and we wanted to be there for that. She looked so beautiful in her blessing dress. Natalie is a little angel and she is just an extra special little girl. We spent some time with the family, went to an interactive museum, went to Natalie's blessing on Sunday -- which went very well and we were glad that we could be there.

After the blessing some of Tim and Melissa's friends had a 4th of July BBQ. It was a perfect day in Charlotte, NC. The temp was great, not very humid, what a beautiful day. Aunt Abby is always a favorite amongst the nephews and nieces. I don't know what it is but they sure do love her!! And I must say ~ she sure is a great Aunt. I would choose her for my aunt also if I were 2 or 4 years old.

After the BBQ we went to a local golf course for fireworks. The kids sure enjoyed that. But of course, after about 5 minutes they are all the same ~ and the kids just want to run around.

On Monday we headed for home. It sure was fun to see everyone. Dylan and Sophie warmed up to us really quickly considering they don't get to see us very often. We do try to Skype with them so they can remember who we are! ;) What a fun time, what great weather, and what a cute little family. ♥
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