Sunday, August 29, 2010

The time is flying by.... so fast!!

Life continues to unravel before me and I don't quite feel like I have my feet on the ground or control of my own surroundings. When Tanton got his mission call on June 30, it says that he is to report the the MTC on November 10.... okay, a little over 4 months, I can handle that. Well, it seems like he just barely got his call and 2 months are already gone! AHHHH!!
I honestly cannot believe how quickly the time is going. But, since he got his call he was ordained an Elder (pictures below) and he received his endowments at the temple. That was such a great experience. I continue to be so proud of him and the choices that he has made this far in his life. But mostly I am happy because he is so happy, and genuinely happy. What more could a mother ask for?
He was ordained by his dad, Sil, and we were lucky to have Greg and Kristina in town. It was on the 25th of July and Brad's brother, Blake, had just arrived in town for a week ~ so he as well as Brad's other brother Todd came over for the ordination. The following Friday, on July 30, (one month after receiving his call) we were all able to attend the temple together for Tanton's first time.
I am kinda freaking out because the time is going by so quickly. But, for Tanton I am sure the time is crawling. He is ready to go and he is ready to get to Spain...and he is so excited and proud that he wears his Spain belt buckle whether it matches what he is wearing or not! I love it!

1 comment:

  1. Kelly, I am so happy for you guys. Tanton has really grown up to be an amazing guy. That is my dream.. for my Alex to grow up and make good choices and go on a mission (and to be excited to go, like Tanton!!). I'm excited to hear updates as he goes and serves. So exciting!! :D
